“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” - Mr. Rogers
These past two weeks have shown life has 50/50. 50% good and 50% bad. While the news is quick to point out the challenges people are facing right now, I want to offer you something different today, and remind you of the good.
-The majority of people ARE staying home or limiting their interaction with other people.
-Small Businesses/restaurants are staying open because people in the community are supporting them.
-Food is being delivered to hospitals to staff with limited food options.
-People are sewing masks and looking for ways to make them more effective at protecting from the virus.
-Nurses are getting on planes to go work in the areas hit the hardest by the virus.
-Companies making PPE to send to hospitals.
-There is decreased smog and air pollutions in cities due to more people working from home.
-People are offering to pick up supplies for elderly and vulnerable neighbors.
-Families and friends are finding creative ways to celebrate special events like birthdays, births, and anniversaries.
Even if the news is scary and looks bad, show your brain the good. Look for the helpers and the good things happening because they are there too.
I believe in you and all your possibilities.
You got this.
Mary B.
Self-care during a pandemic is confusing especially if you can't do the things you used to do like hang out with friends or travel. While you might get the ideas of changing your thoughts and how you think how do you do that?
I got you and have just the thing to help. Come join us this Sunday for Unbreakable Nurse 101. It is a FREE class where you will learn how to manage the stress at work using the Inner Resiliency Model and get practical tips that work. Click here to learn more.
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