Stop pouring water on your dreams.

Have you ever had a moment where you are daydreaming about a big dream you have? Maybe for a second allow yourself to truly get consumed by the thought of getting it. You even imagine what your life would be like if you achieved it.

There is this fire inside you BEFORE you tell yourself to "be realistic" because...(insert reason). 

What felt like a warm fire inside you is now gone, you have poured a big ol bucket of water on it, drowning any of the flames of excitement you had.

Folks, we miss so many opportunities because we are so busy pouring water on our dreams instead of finding ways  to allow it.

Here is some of the ones my clients tell me and even some that I have said to myself. 

"There are other people that are better candidates."

"Other people are already doing what I want to do."

"I need to wait until..."

"I should just be happy that I have a job right now."

"I need to wait three years in this position so I don't look like a job hopper."

"I am not polished enough to move into a new role."

"They will never pick me."

When you do something outside of your normal expect your brain tol do it's best to convince you that the status quo is safer. That there are a thousand reasons why you shouldn't take the risk. 

If you find yourself pouring water on your dreams, here are my top three favorite questions to ask myself.

1. Is it true and would everyone agree with me?

2. Does it feel good in my body when I think/say it?

3. What is the realistic worse thing that could happen and what is the best?

I believe in you and all your possibilities.

Mary B.

P.S. Are you pouring water on your dreams and don't know how to stop it? Let's talk, I can help. All you need to do is sign up for a free consult today. There is one spot open right now for 1:1 coaching. I will help you learn to overcome what is getting in the way of your career and stop your job from sucking the life out of you. 
