Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. -Anonymous
I would like to introduce you to kintsugi.
Kintsugi means "golden rejoining" and is the Japanese art of repairing ceramic pottery. It is an ancient practice that after a ceramic object is damaged, the fragments are mended using a lacquer with gold.
As I write this to you, I think about healing from burnout and I cannot think of a better metaphor for burnout recovery.
Kintsugi isn't just about making the item useable again. It's about honoring each crack and highlighting the damage as something beautiful.
When I work with nurses who are in burnout, frequently they will share their pain and say how they wish they could go back to how they used to be or just be happier again.
But, my goal is help them see how they can have better than before burnout.
The work we do together is not in going back to where they were before or pretending like their burnout never happened.
The goal is to help them see their value of their experience and remind them even with the scars, each one of them is beautiful, resilient, and valuable.
You can have the same.
I believe in you and all your possibilities.
Mary B.
P.S. If you are ready to create a career that is better than before burnout, you are in the right place. I am currently enrolling four 1:1 clients in September and I want you to be one of them. All you have to do is click here to sign up for a free consult.
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