The secret formula to creating your dream nursing career.

Today I want to tell you the secret formula to creating your dream nursing career.

Do you believe your nursing career path is something that just happens? 

Like it is something that you just get lucky and fall into?

Or something that is in the control of others?

Today I invite you to stop treating your nursing career like a fluke. 

The results you have in your nursing career is because of the thoughts and feeling you have ever had about being a nurse. 

Now I get it, it may be hard to believe that you can have that much control over your career.

I get it, I was there too.

I used to believe my career was something I had little control over. I was at the mercy of my managers and the online job boards.

BUT these thoughts only resulted in me feeling stuck and quiet about the things I really wanted. So I never spoke up to the managers I worked with and I wasted so much time scrolling job boards that it isn't even funny.

What I learned from this experience and now tell my clients now is: 

Your nursing career is what you make it into and no one is going to do it for you. 

If you want to move up and become a nurse leader, nurse coach, CNO, or just get out of direct patient care, start making steps in that direction today.

Don't know how?

Here is the formula to change your career:

1. Make a decision on what you want to do.

2. Be in full belief that it can happen.

3. Do massive action to go in that direction (telling your friends/family, telling your coworkers, talking to your manager, starting school, contacting a recruiter, talk to nurses in those roles, practice being the version of yourself who works in that role.)

4. Don't stop until you get it. 

I believe in you and your possibilities. 

Mary B.


This past summer the Unbreakables have proven COVID19 is completely neutral and been showing up with a fierceness!

They have made more money in the past four months than ever before as a nurse coach, they have started health journeys, made decisions to become a coach for caregivers, and even gotten positions created that were not even in the BUDGET.

I want to help you show up with a fierceness too.
Because you are badass healer and the world needs you.
If you are ready to be all in on yourself and join the Unbreakable Nurse Society sign up for a free consult with me today by clicking here.
