Discomfort is the currency of your dreams. - Brooke Castillo
Going after a dream is harder than you think.
Because what determines the success of your dreams is your willingness to become uncomfortable on the journey there, to hear no but keep on going, and to be the one who has your own back when it feels like nothing is working.
Although this is an incredibly easy thing to do, for many of us, it feels incredibly hard.
Because we are working against years of programming telling us that something is too hard, that we are not good enough, and that something is wrong with us.
So how do you overcome this?
Step 1: Stop treating beliefs and stories that hurt you like they are neutral.
As a new nurse, I would tell myself things like "I am not good enough." and "I suck at this."
I believed these things like they were facts that I could not change about myself. I never questioned them or challenged them, I just believed them to be true. I would then look for ways they could be true and then used them to beat myself up.
Until the day I realized these thoughts and stories were standing in my way.
If you are someone who may be thinking "I'm not good enough." "I suck at this." "My coworkers hate me."
If you are ready to stop viewing your belief and stories like they facts, all you have to do is start questioning everything.
When you think you are not good enough, ask yourself if that is really true and if someone you trust/believes in you would agree with it.
If the answer is no, it's time to start looking for a new story.
Step 2: Create a story/belief you want to have about yourself.
The stories and thoughts we have about ourselves do not have to be stagnant.
We can change them into something that is kinder and more helpful.
If you can think "I'm not good enough." then you can also think things like "I can do this." "I believe in myself." "I am getting better everyday."
Step 3: Practice it until it drowns out the old story.
Your mind is just like your physical body.
It is unrealistic to expect yourself to be able to run a marathon when you have never ran a mile.
And it is unrealistic to expect the uncomfortable and difficult things we think about ourselves to magically disappear after thinking one time "I can do this."
This needs to become a practice that you are dedicated to everyday.
Because while it is might feel nice to hear it from others, at the end of the day we are the only ones who can validate our own thoughts and belief.
I believe in you and your possibilities,
Mary B.
P.S. If you are struggling getting out of your way, I am here for you. The Unbreakable Nurse Society is designed to help you understand how to use your brain to get the career and life you want. Click here and sign up for us to discuss your goals and create a plan to help get you there.
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