The number one question you should stop asking other people.


One question that I get more than any other question is: "What career path should I do?"

I secretly hate this question because I think it is lazy and stops people from being curious and owning  what they really want. 

Also as someone who used to ask others what I should do all the time let's be real, the majority of the time you won't actually do it.

So if this is the question you are facing right now. Here is my advice so you stop asking the wrong question and start getting clarity.

Do not ask advice unless you are willing to take and do it. 

When I was starting my coaching business, one of the best pieces of advice I received and hold onto to this day is that I will not ask advice unless I am willing to do what the person tells me to.

I have applied this thought process to not just my business, but my life. What it has resulted in is I am very particular about who I ask advice for unless I am willing to do what they say. 

How to apply this?

Before you ask advice next time, think about what you want to do first and get clear on that first. 

Write down where you want to be in one year, three years, and five years.

This is a strategy that allows you develop a vision about where you want to go and don't just focus on work, focus on all the different aspects of your life.

Do you want to have holidays and weekends off to be with your family?

Do you want to be married and have kids?

Do you want to run a business and make 100k a year?

Do you want to be a nurse practitioner?

Do you want to buy your own home?

Do you want to live in another place?

Do you want to make a certain amount of money?

Once you have these written down then place into the buckets of one year, three year, and five year buckets and rate them by priority for you. 

Then commit to making them happen.

Stop spinning. Pick a direction and go.

The problem with being stuck in indecision is that people think they will make better decisions by just staying there questioning what they should do next. 

Friend, your decision is not going to get better the longer you sit spinning in it.

All it does is create more feelings of confusion and doubt.

Which leave you frozen and not doing anything to move forward.

Pick a direction and go. 

Because even if you don't end up there you will a lot closer to finding out what you want to do.

And finally, drop the idea of getting it wrong.

This piggybacks a bit on the previous tip. I think the worry of getting it wrong robs people of so many amazing adventures and opportunities. 

Because instead of putting yourself out there and trying you risk losing the opportunity of having something amazing happen to you, you stay where it feels safe.

If the fear of getting it wrong is holding you back, I offer you this.

Every decision, every choice you make is exactly the right choice you were meant to make.

And even if you fall flat on your face, you are one step closer to being exactly where you want to be.

I believe in you and your possibilities.

Mary B.

P.S. Have you ever dreamed of breaking free from bedside or starting a nursing coaching business or moving into a new direction in your nursing career? The Unbreakable Nurse Society has the tools to help you make it happen. It's not too late to start, all you need to do is click here and setup a consult. 
