A nurse career without burnout IS possible.


What do you believe is possible in your nursing career?

And what is stopping you from doing it?

Do you have self-imposed beliefs that say, well I have to wait or just can't do that right now?

Or are you holding onto the miserable safety of a nursing job you hate going to?

One of the things I see and have been through myself in burnout is that you get into such a state of survival mode, that all you can focus on is how can I stop this job from trying to hurt me.

And you tell yourself you can't have that now and don't even allow yourself to question if your daydreams are possible. 

I understand where you are.

And I know what it's like to be in this place where you feel like all you can do is protect yourself.

But this is not how you are want to make decisions about the future of your nursing career.

Because all of your decisions will be based on Will this keep me safe? instead of What do I actually want?

So as you are making your new years resolution or just thinking about what you want to change in 2021.

I want you to start thinking about what you want to make happen in your nursing career over the next twelve months.

Do you want to move into a new position where you do less direct patient care?

Do you want to get a job where you love going to work?

Do you want to stop talking yourself out of going after your passion, the one thing you went to school for?

And I dare you to make 2021 the year it happens.

Because it totally can.

I believe in you and all your possibilities, 

Mary B.

P.S. If you want to stop the burnout and make your nurse career dreams happen, you have to sign up for a free consult for the Unbreakable Nurse Society. Last year nurses in the Unbreakable Nurse Society controlled their burnout and even got job new jobs in the middle of a pandemic. 

This could happen for you too.

Click here to sign up and let's make this your best year yet.
