Stop wasting your time with crap jobs.

Friend, I love you so much and it's with love I am saying this:

Stop wasting your time going after crap jobs.

I totally get that you are burnout and you dread going to work.

So you are spending your evenings scrolling job boards looking for ANYTHING that is kinda close to what you want.

Maybe the job that is about an hour commute without traffic thinking, Hey I can just leave earlier in the morning.

Or you accept the swing shift job, even though you hate swing shift because the manager promised that as soon as a position opens up, you would get it. 

Does any of this sound familiar?

If so, STOP IT.

Stop wasting your time on crap jobs that can be just as damaging as the job you burnout in.

What is a crap job?

- A job that is a longer drive than you really want to do.

- A job where you will make less than what you want to make or doesn't have benefits.

- A job where you work more or less hours than you want to. 

- A job that is a shift that you don't want to really work.

- A job that you are taking in the hopes that one day you will move up.

- A job that gives you any red flags that it might not be a good fit for you.

- A job that you are taking just because you hate your job. 

Because taking crap job does not fix burnout.

What a crap job does is usually make things worse and question why you are even in nursing. 

Instead of looking for anything that sounds better than your current job.

Focus on creating a career and life that you actually want to have.

Whether it's finding a day job with an awesome manager or finding a job that lets you be home with your family in the evenings.

Allow yourself to start believing that perfect job is out there waiting for you.

Because it is.

I believe in you and all your possibilities,

Mary B.


Whether you are burnout, in a crap job, or just ready to move to the phase of your nursing career, I can help you. This past year I have helped nurses leave jobs and move across country, nurses who were finding what was next after a COVID diagnosis, nurses who want to become coaches. 

Whatever your dreams, I want to help you make them happen in 2021. All you need to do is sign up for a free consult. 
