Stop forcing your way through your nursing career.

Have you ever said to yourself something like "I just need to put my head down and push through it?" 

Kinda like the battering rams you see in movies to break through doors in castles?

This was my unintentional philosophy through nursing school and while I got through nursing school, it was one of the hardest times of my life.

But this belief didn't stay in nursing school.

It became a life philosophy that I used in my nursing career and life.

A bad day at work? I just need to grin and bear it.

I don't feel heard or respected by management? I just need to put my head down and push through it.

I hate my job and feel like it's sucking the life out of me? I just need to last a little longer.

I really believed that if I just put my head down and worked harder, everything would be okay.

And nurse friends, I know I am not alone with this belief.

Because I hear it from clients and other nurses who truly believe if they work harder if they keep forcing through everything will be okay.

But let's be real for a second. 

Forcing you way through your career is exhausting, makes you feel like crap, and is an easy way to end up in burnout.

Who really wants to spend their whole life or nursing career just white knuckling through it?

That is why I want you to drop that crappy belief.

Stop treating yourself like a battering ram for handling problems in your your nursing career and life.

Instead start asking yourself how can I treat myself in a way that is compassionate or what advice would I give someone else who I cared about.

But a huge caveat.

Whatever the answer is, you have to take your own advice.

 And if it still feels overwhelming, setup a consult with me

I will teach you how to stop forcing yourself through your nursing job so you can have the career you dreamed about in nursing school. 

I believe in you and your possibilities. 

Mary B.


Exciting news friends! Starting January 11th, I will have more hours available to help you stop your burnout and get the breakthrough in your nursing career you have been waiting for.

Whatever challenges you are experiencing in your nursing career, I am here to help. Click here to setup a consult to talk with me about any challenge you are facing in your nursing career. By the end of our call you will have a clear understanding and direction of what the problem is and where you should focus your energy.
