Hey friend,
Let's talk about raising our standards when it comes to our careers.
I want you to think about your job kinda like it's your romantic partner and answer the following questions:
1. Do I like my job and feel like it respects me not just for being a warm body/cog in a wheel but also for the value I bring to it?
2. Does this job respect my boundaries between it and the other parts of my life?
3. Do I see this job going anywhere serious, or is it something I am settling for?
After you answer these questions, I really want you to reflect on what comes up for you.
What is the relationship you have with your job?
Is this a job you would bring home to your family with pride, or is it a job that you are kinda embarrassed about but figure 'Hey, it's better than nothing.'
If you are in the better than nothing job group, my friend, I say this with love, it is time to raise your standards.
Nothing is worse than seeing amazing nurses who dream of something more settle in jobs where they feel more like disposable cogs in a wheel.
Then complain to their friends about it over and over again, BUT continue to stay in the same jobs because they believe they cannot have something better or feel like it's too much work to get what they want.
Our careers are a reflection of what we think about ourselves, the good and the bad. So if you want to change something, the first step is to raise your standards with yourself.
Do a self-assessment and completely honest with yourself to see where you are, not in belief that you deserve something amazing to happen.
Take stock of the relationships and people you surround yourself with. Are you connecting more with people who are growing and encouraging you? Or are they stuck complaining about the same problems over and over again?
Finally, be willing to take full ownership of the results you have created and making a decision that you deserve more for yourself.
Your better career is out there, my friend, and let's help you get there this year.
I believe in you and your possibilities,
Mary B.
P.S. Starting April 1st I am bringing a new offer called Career Strategy Sessions.
These 1:1 sessions are laser focused coaching designed to help you handle anything from strategical career planning to career confidence to answering interview questions without sounding like a robot.
Additionally, human design chart review is offered optionally to provide a deeply personalized experience.
All this for $197.
Click here to sign up for your Career Strategy Session
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