How to pivot your career out of your nursing speciality.


Many nurses identity of not only being a nurse but a specific type of nurse.

I am a Peds nurse.

I am an ER nurse.

I am an OB nurse.

The list continues on...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding a specialty you love.

But what happens when you want to pivot out of your specialty into something else?

For many nurses when your specialty has become engrained into your identity, it can be really hard to break out of that specialty.

Even if you no longer enjoy it. 

You are ready to move on, BUT you worry about finding another job because all your experience is in this one specific niche.

If this is you, listen up.

Leaving a specialty can be hard, but it's not impossible.

It's really just a three step process.

The first step you have to do is believe it is possible.

The second step is to stop seeing yourself and your skillsets as specialty specific.

The third step is that you have to go for it and be patient with yourself on the journey. 

Because not only will you be learning new skills, you are stepping into a new identity, while shedding the old one.

This process can be really hard especially since your brain will probably freak out, become hypercritical, and talk you out of what your dreams. 

Heck, every time I reinvented my nursing career my brain loved to go all Nurse Ratched on me and point out all the ways I can fail. Heck, she still pops in for a special appearance from time to time today.

This is just what our brains do and it doesn't mean something is going wrong or that you should give up. 

You have to stop that static from getting in your way.

Instead lean into belief that your dreams of a new specialty are possible and you can achieve it.

You got this, my friend.

I believe in you and your possibilities,

Mary B.


If you are lost or confused about where you should go next in your nursing career, you have got to check out the new Nurse Career Planner CourseThis short course teaches some of my best concepts that I use to help clients who are tired of being stuck in their career. 

Instead of guessing what you are good at and trying to find a job from there, I will give you exercises to easily identify where you stand out as a nurse and how to find your zone of nursing genius. Click here to get this course now for $27.00
